Unlock the Secret to Your Child’s Sleep

Tired of quick fixes that don’t last? Learn how to create lasting sleep habits that give you and your baby the rest you deserve.
Enjoy Uninterrupted Nights Minimum 10 hours night sleep, giving you the rest you desperately need
Predictable Daytime Routine Say goodbye to erratic nap schedules with 1.5-3 hours of consistent daytime sleep
Reclaim Your Evenings No more night wakings, allowing you to relax and recharge
Does This Sound Familiar?

Morning arrives, but it doesn’t feel like it. Last night, your little one woke up several times. You tried desperately to settle them, only for them to wake up shortly after. You can’t even remember the last time you had a full night’s rest.

Naps are no better. Your baby drifts off in your arms, but as soon as you gently lay them down, they wake up crying.

Now, you spend endless hours rocking, bouncing, and feeding. You are beyond exhausted, your nerves are frayed, and you feel like you’re losing your mind.

You’ve searched everywhere for answers, but all you find is conflicting advice and mixed opinions. The idea of the “cry it out” method makes your heart ache. Although some suggest it’s not harmful, you cannot stand the thought of leaving your baby to cry alone.

As the days go by, you feel like you’re losing yourself. Your world has shrunk to the size of your nursery, filled with sleepless nights and constant anxiety. The short naps during the day leave you just as drained, knowing each attempt to transfer your baby to the crib will end in tears.

Sleep deprivation is making everything worse. It amplifies your anxiety, worsens any feelings of depression, and strains your relationships. You’re finding it harder to connect with your partner and to enjoy the precious moments with your little bub.

You’re not alone, and there is hope! Being a parent does not have to mean years of sleepless nights.


Hi, there!

My name is Mariola 😊

When I had my baby, my world flipped upside down, just like yours. The joy is immense, but so are the challenges. Constant feedings, diaper changes, and soothing a crying baby can feel endless. Adjusting to your new life as a parent can be an emotional rollercoaster.

But let’s get real—the hardest part is sleep deprivation. It doesn’t just make you tired; it affects everything. It’s harder to stay patient, think clearly, and enjoy time with your baby. It strains relationships and makes balancing life nearly impossible. When you're exhausted, even small tasks feel monumental, and the joy of parenthood can be buried under a mountain of fatigue. This was my reality—my little one cried daily, took only short naps, and seemed to despise any flat surface.


I’m a study junkie,

so I plunged into every resource out there—Google searches, books, social media, Reddit. And you know what I found? Most advice is useless—too generic, conflicting, and often downright absurd.

That’s why I created Dreams&Cuddles, to offer personalized, practical sleep coaching that actually works for your unique family needs.


Here’s the truth

Most advice focuses on getting your baby to sleep independently, usually through some form of crying. But baby sleep is a complex puzzle:

  • sleep pressure
  • developmental milestones
  • nervous system maturity
  • family habits, routines
  • physical activity
  • and more
Believing that leaving them to cry it out will solve everything is not just unrealistic—it’s a myth that needs to be busted.

Let’s face it: traditional advice is failing parents. It’s time to navigate this journey together and find a sleep solution that truly works for you and your baby.

Join me on this journey now!


With My Personalised 1:1 Support You Can: 

Say Goodbye To...
  • 🙅 Sleepless Nights
  • 🙅 Endless Rocking, Shushing & Feeding
  • 🙅 Inconsistent & Short Naps
  • 🙅 Frustration & Exhaustion
  • 🙅 Feeling Like You are Not a Person Anymore
Say Hello To...
  • 🥳 Minimum 10 hour Night Sleep
  • 🥳 A Gentle & Effective Sleep Routine Which Reflects the Individual Sleep & Nutritional Needs of Your Baby
  • 🥳 Predictable, Structured Nap Times with Total Duration of 1.5-3 hours
  • 🥳 Renewed Energy and Joy in Parenting
  • 🥳Do you want to exercise, read a book? You will have the time now!

Join me on this journey now!

Pack One


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  • Something nice Something nice
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Pack Two


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  • Something nice Something nice Something nice
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