Do you struggle with?

Frequent Night Wakings When sleep feels more like a series of brief naps through the night.
Early Morning Riser When your baby decides the day starts before the sun does.
Bedtime Battles Where settling down feels more like gearing up for a challenge.
Lack of Joy from Motherhood Change the text and make it your own. Click here to begin editing.
Naptime Woes Struggling to get your baby to nap peacefully or for a reasonable duration.
Relationship Pains Change the text and make it your own. Click here to begin editing.

What is achiavable in just 6 weeks

Sleep regime When sleep feels more like a series of brief naps through the night.
Early Morning Riser When your baby decides the day starts before the sun does.
Bedtime Battles Where settling down feels more like gearing up for a challenge.
Lack of Joy from Motherhood Change the text and make it your own. Click here to begin editing.
Naptime Woes Struggling to get your baby to nap peacefully or for a reasonable duration.
Relationship Pains Change the text and make it your own. Click here to begin editing.

Let me help you!


My philosophy is founded on the principle that each child is distinct, with unique sleep requirements. I adopt a compassionate, customized approach that honours the individuality of your child and aligns with your parenting philosophy. In my practice, I consciously avoid 'Cry It Out', understanding that crying is distressing both for babies and parents. My commitment is to achieve peaceful sleep solutions in a manner that is as comforting for the parents as it is for the child.

YES! However, to give you piece of mind, I also offer money back guarantee. If your baby’s sleep does not improve over the next 4 weeks after you have followed the steps I recommend, I will give your money back. No questions asked.

No. You can continue breastfeeding during this process. We will not remove any night feedings which baby is not ready to drop

The purpose of BabySleep Bootcamp is to focus on you and your baby’s sleep. I do not have a template that I send to all parents with pre-made sleep plans and regime. The Bootcamp gives your baby the time to adjust to the changes so they transition smoothly to their new sleep habits!

Absolutely not. However, your commitment will be needed over the next 4 weeks so some social plans might have to be skipped. This is only for the duration of the bootcamp so you get the maximum out of it and baby transitions smoothly to the new routines.

The Bootcamp is not suitable for co-sleeping parents who wish to continue co-sleeping.